Holy Trinity Church has many special services and events throughout the year. Please join us and invite your friends.
Specific dates can be found on the Announcements Page (Please go to the “Events” pull down menu at the top, and select “Announcements”)
Annual Covina Christmas Parade First Saturday in December
OLG Ministry provides Hospitality for the crowds enjoying the parade
Alternative Christmas Market & Visit from St. Nicholas Sunday closest to December 6th
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12
Procession from Covina Park to Historic Holy Trinity Church for Mariachi Mass
La Posada Third Saturday in December
Candlelight procession with Mary and Joseph as they look for a place for the birth of the Savior
Festival of Lessons & Carols Advent III
Followed by Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Christmas Services December 24
Christmas Eve Family Mass 5:00 p.m.
Solemn High Mass of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ 10:00 p.m.
Christmas Day Mass 10:15 a.m.
Boxing Day Potluck December 26
Holy Name of Jesus January 1
Mass of the Holy Name of Jesus & Litany
Epiphanytide House Blessings
Candlemass & St. Blas Throat Blessings
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Dinner & Races
Ash Wednesday
Mass and Imposition of Ashes Noon & 6:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
Great Vigil of Easter
Good Shephard Sunday
Celebrating our children and young people
Trinity Sunday
Celebration of Patronal Feast & Luncheon
Stonewall Remembrance June
Vacation Bible School
Anniversary of Chapel Dedication August 16
Annual Mass of the Holy Spirit & Parish Picnic
Blessing and Prayers for Students, Parents, Teachers and Faculty at start of School Year, wear red to show your spirit, and bring picnic lunch
Homecoming Sunday
Days of Independence September
Celebrating the many days of Latin American Independence with food and dance
Feast of St. Michael and All Angels Last Sunday in September
Blessing of First Responders and Luncheon
Feast of St. Francis First Sunday in October
Blessing of Animal Companions
All Hallows’ Eve October
Children’s Halloween Party October
Halloween Extravaganza October 31
Fundraiser at Rectory
All Saints Sunday Sunday closest to November 1
All Souls Requiem Sunday closest to November 2 or November 2
Remembrance Day Evensong & Veterans Observance Sunday closest to Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Eve Mass