Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Covina, CA is a historic parish in the Diocese of Los Angeles
Worship With Us
Sunday Mornings
8 a.m. Low Mass
9 a.m. Morning Prayer
10:15 a.m. Choral High Mass
12:15 p.m. La Santa Misa
Wednesday Evenings
5:00 p.m. Rosary
5:30 p.m.Wednesday Weekday Mass
On behalf of the Clergy, Wardens, Vestry, and people of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, I want to offer you a heartfelt welcome!
We offer beautiful worship every Sunday with superb music and fine liturgy in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition. We are a busy parish with many ministries and events with opportunities for fellowship and growth in Christ. We have groups and guilds with special functions, such as Discipleship Groups and Bible Studies, Men’s Ministry, Daughters of the King, St. Martha’s Hospitality Guild, Girls’ Friendly Society, Altar Guild, Acolytes, and a warm and inviting Sunday School and Youth Group. An Inquirers’ (ie. Confirmation) Class runs at various times throughout the year as well as a Class on the Sacraments for those desiring to celebrate their First Communion.
We also host several Twelve-Step programs during the week and offer a Recovery Eucharist on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. for those in Recovery and loved ones who care for them. The Holy Rosary is prayed at 5:30 p.m. before the service.
Throughout the year we also offer special musical events highlighting our Parish Choir, Pipe Organ and Chapel Music Ministry. On the last Sunday in September we celebrate St. Michael & All Angels and offer a special blessing to all First Responders and we offer the Blessing of Animal Companions on the Feast of St. Francis on the first Sunday in October. We also have an Annual Veteran’s Day Observance Evensong at 4:00 p.m. on the Sunday closest to Veteran’s Day that features a call to worship with bagpipes, two trumpeters playing taps and reveille, and special music by the choir. You will not want to miss the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration with Mariachi, La Posada with live donkeys, Advent Lessons and Carols, a family friendly early Christmas Eve Mass and later the Solemn High Mass of Christmas by candlelight.
We are an inclusive and diverse group of Christians who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are committed to providing a welcoming and nourishing place for all people on their spiritual journey. No matter your age, gender, ethnic or national origin, economic status, or sexual orientation, you are welcome here at Holy Trinity Church. We recognize in you the Christ whom we love and serve.
Come visit us in our beautiful historic church and see for yourself what God is doing among us. We sincerely hope that you feel the genuine hospitality and spirituality of our parish family and invite you to consider making Holy Trinity your home. Please feel free to contact one of the clergy to discuss your interest in our parish!
May the blessing of God be upon you!
- Fr. Steve Demuth
Fr. Steven H. De Muth
Rector and Pastor
Mo. Judith A. Heffron
Priest Emeritus
Fr. William L. Peyton
Assisting Priest