Each according to their own gifts.
Your support helps us maintain this historic church, funds our mission and ministry, including our Christian education and music programs, and the Church’s rich tradition of worship and prayer.
If you are a part of the Holy Trinity Church, please make your pledge donation to our General Fund. If you wish, this can be set up via your online banking system to be a recurring pledge in lieu of your weekly plate offering:
Otherwise, we are grateful for your donation via the “Give Now” button above.
Our response to God’s call and abundance
A pledge is your commitment to make a financial gift that supports the mission of Holy Trinity Church. Pledging is a response to God’s call and abundance in our own lives: it is a statement of thanksgiving. Annual pledges support everything we do and are at Holy Trinity, but in order to know what we can do each year, we need to receive pledge commitments on which to develop an annual budget. You can make a pledge at any time, not just during the fall stewardship campaign.
Bequests & Memorial Gifts
Leave a legacy: Leaving us a gift in your will can help sustain the Church for future generations. Even a small legacy can make a big difference.
From time to time, parishioners and friends express their wish to make a gift to the parish for a particular purpose, or in memory of a loved one.
Holy Trinity Church is grateful for the many bequests, large and small, that it has received over many years, and continues to receive, from parishioners and friends. These gifts have endowed the parish with a treasured material and financial patrimony. If you wish to remember us in your will, we encourage you to obtain further information from the rector or a warden of Holy Trinity Church, and to seek legal advice, to ensure that your wishes are correctly represented.
Ways to Give
Pledge envelopes: If you give by check or with cash, personalized giving envelopes are available by request. Please fill out a pledge card and drop it in the offering plate or email the Parish Administrator, and they will be happy to accept your pledge and assign you envelopes.
ACH (automatic) deduction through your bank or credit union:
Authorize and set up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account and have them send it out monthly.
Give online towards our ministry and mission using the secure tithe.ly app.
Thank you for your generosity!